MIT Xmits LASER Audio

How would QA questions or TEST innovative MIT research to Transmit Audio Directly via optical LASER into a Person’s Ear ? (with no added receiver component)

  1. Uses water vapor to convert signal to audio – How does humidity limit results?
  2. Can’t be intercepted… why not? Focussed? Or too propietary?

see similar research (but with discrete receivers)

from 2005 www.
from DIY “Instructables

Excerpt from

»…Both techniques take advantage of something called the photoacoustic effect, which is the formation of sound waves as the result of a material https://futurism.comabsorbing light. In the case of the MIT research, that material was water vapor in the air.

For one of their methods, the researchers “swept” a laser beam at the speed of sound, changing the length of the sweeps to encode different audible pitches.

This technique allowed them to transmit sound to a person more than 8.2 feet away at a volume of 60 decibels — about the loudness of background music or a conversation in a restaurant — without anyone between the source of the sound and the target hearing it.

For the other method, they encoded an audio message by adjusting a laser beam’s power. They said this technique produced a quieter but clearer result.«


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